mechatronics & robotics training

High-tech careers ahead


As manufacturers across the globe rapidly scale operations to high tech mechatronics/robotics systems, there is a huge demand for skilled Mechatronics Technicians. With dedicated equipment per student and a project based curriculum, Mach 1 Mechatronics Academy is your key to a high demand career. We provide you with the hands-on skills and tools to build, operate, service, maintain, and repair mechatronics systems at a journeyman level better and faster than any other tech school.

employers -

train your current employees & new hires in a structured program that works!

“Training under Ben Carlson was an exceptional experience. He was incredibly reliable and…”


-NIKOlas V.

Mechatronics 5

Become a Technician in 6 months

6 months packed with real industry experience teaching everything from work ethic to robot control. It’s the quickest & most cost effective route to becoming a Mechatronics Technician.

Apply today to secure your seat!

Mechatronics 5


August 11th, 2025

2 Seats Remaining

Thoughts from ben,

Mechatronics leads to a career in robotics, automation, and controls. Mechatronics leads to a bright future!

“The Mach 1 Mechatronics Academy has set out to influence and rejuvenate the love of the manufacturing trades, guide and coach our future generations, and teach them to be passionate about what they do.”

-Ben Carlson

the  mach 1  way

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